Business Valuation

Business Valuation

Nevium has conducted business valuation reports for business owners, investors, and for various court settings in State, Federal, and U.S Tax Court. The reports have covered a wide range of industries, from mom and pop businesses to muliti-national corporations, from Silicon Valley high tech companies, to the oil industries in Oklahoma and Texas.

The various business valuation that we have conducted include the following:

  • C Corporations
  • Sub S Corporations
  • Closely-held Corporations
  • Partnerships
  • Limited Liability Companies
  • Limited Partnerships  
  • General Partnerships
  • Sole Proprietorships
  • Goodwill
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • 280E Tax considerations
  • Transfer Tax
  • Estate and Gift Tax
  • Insolvency
  • FAS 141-142
  • Minority Discounts
  • Marketability Discounts

Business Valuation Services at Nevium

At Nevium, our experts bring a wide range of expertise in such areas as business valuation, extensive report writing, and technical review of business valuation reports whether prepared for a client or for an expert witness deposition and court appearance.  Our business valuation reports contain extensive knowledge of market metrics, innovative approaches, and provide the thorough yet easy to understand information to educate our clients whether it is in a boardroom or in a classroom setting.

What sets us apart from our competition is that we are able to value an entire business and apportion the value to a company’s intellectual property (“IP”) and related intangible assets (“IA”). The IP and IA not only includes patents, trademarks and copyrights, but also internet and social media assets such as company websites and related social media accounts.

All of our business valuation reports are supported by facts, through research, and accepted analytical methodologies such as the Income, Market, and Asset based approaches used in valuation theory and practice.